Thursday, May 10, 2018

MountainAires Spring Concert May 6, 2018

The MountainAires Women's Choir is a choir for women of any age. The youngest is in her 20's and the oldest is in her 90's.

The group puts on a concert every May and every December. I have been a member since January 2016 and I sing Soprano I.

Rehearsals started in January for the Spring Concert. We met every Thursday from noon-1 pm. There were sectionals as well for each section (Soprano I and II, Alto I and II). Kasey (our director) and Verlene (our pianist) do a wonderful job of keeping us all in order.

This year's concert was titled WEATHER OR NOT.

Here is a copy of the Program. It's all songs about the weather!

There was a nice article in the ESTES PARK NEWS.

The concert went very well and was nicely attended. Everyone had a wonderful time and loved the song selections and guest singers.

Here were some of the shots I got before the concert. Couldn't get anything during the concert because I was singing :)

Mary Skinner

Caroline Duncan

the Cake!

Bob the Drummer

Opening Clarinet Piece

Verlene and Kasey

And here is the shot from the Newspaper article with the full choir during one of our rehearsals.

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