Wednesday, February 28, 2024

February Arts and Crafts

I did have a lot going on with February being the NaMoPaiMo Month (see BLOG here) and the Estes Park Police Department Events (CPA and Coffee & Tea at the PD) - so I was limited with the number of craft nights I could attend this month as well. 

This month - I was hoping would be as busy as last month besides the items above, but there was only one thing that I wanted to do = embroidery. 

AND I missed out on signing up for the embroidery class - it was very limited compared to all of the other events for the month, which was very disappointing. 

The rest of the stuff for activities were friendship bracelets, tea towels and flat painting and baking classes (none of which were Gluten Free)... so..... this month kinda of stunk on the arts and crafts side. ๐Ÿ™

I did try the library too and all of the things I wanted to try were on Monday and Thursday nights when I was working at the CPA. ๐Ÿ˜ž 

Hopefully, March will be better. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

NaMoPaiMo 2024 - National Model Painting Month


NaMoPaiMo Logo 2024

THIS IS NOT A SHOW, CONTEST OR COMPETITION. The goal of NaMoPaiMo's International Model Horse Painting Party is to motivate artists of all levels to jump in and challenge themselves to finish a model in a month.

Join us and take part as we share, play, learn and chat about what we love doing most--painting and customizing model horses!

Challenge yourself, try something new and most importantly, have fun!

Me with my model

Real horse reference

This is my project horse for 2024 and the reference photo for the horse that I am trying to recreate. 

Droids and their model space

BB8 and BB9E begged me to let them paint again this year. BB8 is painting a Micro Breyer Loping Horse and BB9E is painting a safari Micro draft horse. They were scrolling on their laptops and saw the other posts about #minispaitingminis. They also wanted to show off how spoiled they are. Dio didn't want to paint. He's to shy. He just likes looking at everyone's stuff but the BB's let him be in the picture with all their stuff. Dang spoiled droids. (and yes BB9E convinced me to get them a cat - they have to clean up after Kyree though.) and i am hoping the Porg doesn't eat the Pegasus ๐Ÿ™„

I wasn't able to start working on my model until February 3. I did get a few layers on the model and I helped the droids get their models primered. 

My model and an elk model in the works

BB8 with model

BB9E with model

My model with layers

Me with my model and more layers

I wasn't able to work again on my stuff until February 9 and 10. The droids were arguing, but I did manage to get stuff done. 

droids fighting

droids fighting

more layers on my model

more layers on my model

I am pleased with the way the model is turning out. I have been using a process that Stephanie Blaylock uses on her cremellos. I follow her on instagram and she does amazing work. 

I officially completed my horse on 2/14/2024. I am very pleased with how she turned out. 

My completed model - left side

My completed model - right side

My completed model - left side with penny for scale

My completed model - front

My completed model - back

And the droids are still busy on their horses. BB8 saw my cremello and changed what they were doing originally (an orange pinto) to an orange-cream-ello. ๐Ÿ˜

BB9E painting

BB8 painting

And the droids completed their models and I did an extra one too! 

BB8 holding completed model

BB8 completed model

BB9E holding completed model

BB9E completed model

My second model - Micro Friesian in black

Monday, February 12, 2024

Coffee and Tea at the PD - Estes Park Police Department

 The Estes Park Police Department invites the community to Coffee & Tea at the PD. This recurring event will provide an opportunity for community members to enjoy a hot beverage, snacks, and conversation with members of the Estes Park Police Department. The first event will be held Thursday, Feb. 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. in the Town Board Atrium area outside of the Police Department located in Town Hall, 170 MacGregor Ave.  Subsequent events will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on the last Thursday of each month from February through October 2024 at the same location. 


This was a new event that the Estes Park Police Department put on. I was able to attend the first event held Feb 1, 2024. Here are some highlights from that event. If you are making a trip to Estes Park in 2024, you might want to stop by and check it out, meet the officers.  

There is an estimate that about sixty people were in attendence. 

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Bridle Tree Barn Raising Challenge 2023 - 2024

I just keep trying to raise a barn. The problem is - it's always COLD in December and I can never paint it. And I feel like I just can't seem to get it completed. So, I decided to build it in the spring and summer months and do the decorating piece for the actual challenge in 2023. We shall see what happens, as like other challenges, I don't seem to get things done.  

It took me most of the summer, but I was able to get the barn PAINTED and assembled!

Now, My Barn raising challenge will be to get it decorated - can't wait to decorate this year! We will see what I can do. I have a lot to finish for stuff in the barn.

Now to decide what my projects are and to do some fun pictures! The first picture set up is "CRISP."

Crisp Colorado morning in the snow chasing the donkey that got loose. 

I am still laying out plans for that image, but I have completed a TON of things for my barn! 

I am working on my grass base and a winter wonderland base and some gargoyles. AND I finally found the Christmas decorations for which I have to get a small tote to carry them in! 

Week 2 Photo Challenge - Squatters

Week 2 challenge

Little Barn Owls in the barn

Week three challenge:

Week 3

I also did some other Stablemate scale items for my barn. 

Week 4 Challenge: 

Mess - looks like my PORGS are making a mess of the barn. 

It's been fun. I am hoping to do the 2024-2025 event.