Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Monthly Model Horse Painting Challenge - July 2021 - continued into August

I totally skipped out on doing the June 2021 challenge - well - because I live in the place I always loved to visit and I wasn't sure how to translate that into a model! 

So I skipped to the July Challenge. 

Okay this choice was HARD - so many famous horses in history that I love - OMG!! 

I finally decided to do Justin Morgan - AKA Figure and since I like to do a couple horses - I pulled out a QH to go along with my Morgan. 

I did red primer base and the first layer of pan pastels disappeared, but by the third layer - it was a really neat color that I haven't gotten before. 

First layer of pan pastels

Third layer of pan pastels

I primered the horses on the 10th and didn't begin painting until the 24th! I didn't get another chance to paint until the 27th. I had 3 layers of yellow orche on the models and a layer of gold pearl-ex then I started on two layers of raw sienna and added dark grey for the base of the black points. This gave me an almost perfect silver bay color and I am going to try it again specifically for silver bay.

This has been a fun experiment. 

8/1/2021 - Due to my crazy work schedule right now - I was not able to complete the model by the July 31st deadline ๐Ÿ˜• 

8/14/2021 - I completed the models today - this was one of those trials that did not come out the way I want it, but they came out nicely. 

I ended up with two silver bays instead of two bays, but it was a fun painting experiment and I am glad that I tried it. 

Here are the two completed projects: