Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Travel Blog 2: Common Courtesy and Sense - vehicle, pedestrian, parking and trash

Common courtesy and common sense seem easy, but living in a tourist town and traveling, I have seen the lack of both.

Please don't leave your brain at home on the couch watching television while you are on vacation. Please be flexible in your vacation and not rigid. There are certain things that you may not get to do because hundreds of others are ahead of you.

The dictionary defines courtesy as "the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others." It defines common sense as " sound judgment in practical matters."

Common Courtesy

Remember, when you are traveling, to think of how you would like to be treated by others (and treat others this way).

This means everyone from the waiter/waitress serving your food to the cleaning people at your lodging, the store clerks and other visitors and so many more.

What you dish out in life you receive back in return. So if you are rude, expect rudeness in return.

Common Sense

Now there are many things that fall under common sense; but they are quite often overlooked.

1. Vehicle Traffic Signs

You know, those lovely signs on the edge of the road that show: Merge, Stop, Speed Limit, No Parking, etc. Those are as important to follow on vacation as they are at home. Yes, I am being a tad sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek here, but you would be surprised at the amount of people that get to their travel destination and think traffic signs are not meant for them.

2. Pedestrian Traffic Signs

Like vehicle traffic signs, it seems when people reach a vacation destination, they forget what certain pedestrian signs mean. Now, pedestrians usually have the right of way, but ONLY in specified crosswalks. If you are crossing a street in the middle of the street and stopping traffic because you don't want to walk the extra 500 feet to the crosswalk, well, don't be surprised if common courtesy is NOT bestowed upon you.

3. Parking and walking

Now, you may wonder why I give parking it's own section. As I have said, living in a tourist town, I have learned a lot of things. In my town, parking is at a premium in the summer months. People drive around and around often with cursing, yelling, honking, and other things to get that "prime" spot - you know the spot where you only have to walk 5 feet to the shop you want to go too.

That being said, when you are traveling, it's best to expect NOT to get a close parking spot and be prepared to walk or ride a shuttle or bus. In the summer months, my town has different shuttle routes: Brown, Blue, Red, Silver, Gold, etc for different destinations in town and are FREE! They start between 8-9 AM and run until 9 PM at night usually every 30 minutes.

Do not park on people's lawns (yes I see this happen all the time), in people's driveways, or in area's marked plainly NO PARKING.

4. Trash

You may be wondering why I put trash here. In my opinion it goes hand-in-hand with vehicle, pedestrian and parking because at some point in any of the above you will have trash.

Do not throw your trash out of the car on the side of the road.

Do not leave it in your parked car.

Here in Colorado if you leave trash in your car you can figure a bear or other wildlife will break into said vehicle and make a huge mess.

Do not throw your trash on the sidewalk just because there are town maintenance crews working. It's not their job to pick up after you.

Trash includes: cigarette butts, bottles, cans, candy wrappers and anything else we put in a garbage container.

I know the town I live in has garbage cans that are wildlife proof everywhere in town within easy access of parking lots and pedestrian paths . There is no reason to throw your garbage on the ground.

I will be doing some more travel blogs soon. Please see my first on at the link below. 

Travel Blog 1 - Travel Essentials

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Travel Blog 1: Travel Essentials

I work at a hospital doing admissions in the ER, as well as work in an Auxiliary unit for the local police department. I live in a tourist town that sees people from all over the world. One thing that amazes me is that people leave at home (either their real home in another state or country or where they are staying on their trip) so many IMPORTANT things that are needed by medical facilities and/or police and fire agencies.

While traveling is fun and everyone should enjoy their vacation, there are some very IMPORTANT things you need to pack and KEEP ON YOU while you travel. Don't leave them at home on the kitchen counter or in your hotel room or lodging facility.

1) Your photo ID (in the US a drivers license and/or passport. from foreign countries your passport).

2) Your HEALTH insurance card - this is VERY important because most hospitals cannot "look up your insurance with such and such carrier." They must have the card that shows the name of the health insurance carrier and the member ID number. Otherwise, if you don't have it, they will more than likely put you in as a self pay. This is much harder to get the insurance company to pay after the fact than having your card with you at the time. 

3) Your ALLERGY alert list or bracelet (or both) - preferably with your health insurance card in your wallet. You don't want the hospital guessing what you are and aren't allergic too if you are unconscious. 

4) Current list of Medications you are taking or the prescription bottles themselves, as well as over the counter drugs you take. This will help the medical staff to know what they can and can't use on you due to side affects from your medications. 

Should an unexpected accident on your vacation happen, which I hope it doesn't, these 4 things are the most important to have at all times. 

Some other items that should be on your list before you travel:

A) Car Insurance - please make sure you bring your car insurance card (whether driving your own vehicle or a rental vehicle) and have your vehicle registration (if driving your own vehicle)

B) Travel insurance (especially if you are traveling to a foreign country)

C) Roadside Assistance insurance of some kind - for vehicle emergencies.

D) Flight insurance - many Medical Helicopter Services have flight memberships that will cover your flight if needed or work with your insurance carrier to cover the flight. Some insurances cover flights as well. Check and see what your insurance covers in case you need the use of a medical helicopter. I know here is Colorado - North Colorado Medevac has a membership service and it partners with other services across the US. Also - Life Flight Eagle in the KC Metro area has a similar service.

While these items may sound like over kill or a kill joy to think about taking on your vacation, please consider the alternatives if you don't have the items. 

Happy Summer travels and enjoy your vacation.