Wednesday, November 29, 2023

November 2023 Crafting


This month I signed up for a few cute fall craft activities at the YMCA that they offer employees. 

First was Monday November 13 - Fall Sign making.

We were given a round wood sign, paint, and choices of stencils. I am very pleased with my first attempt at stenciling. 

The second class was Fall Soap Making and I wasn't able to make it to that class or the Wood burning class that I was hoping that was the third class I signed up for this month. 

So, it was a bit of a not so crafting month going to classes, but I was able to complete the ICEE Challenge and the Model Horse and Action Figure Monthly Art Challenges online. 

My ICEE Challenge was this little fellow:

And the November challenge for the Model Horse and Action Figure Monthly Art challenge was to complete and Exotic Equid - I actually completed 3!

Hopefully next month I can get a few more fun classes in for the holiday season. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

International Customizing Equine Event 2023

I am more a painter and crafter than a sculpter, but I keep trying this each year.  I am very intimidated by customizing. Painting is so much easier for me. And I want to accomplish something! I feel I need to accomplish something. 

My start model is a Breyer Stablemate Darwin. 

I decided to make him a sea horse and found a fish tail that would work, so now for chopping and making. 

Body attached and now to sanding and then sculpting. 

Now it's on to doing his mane and a base. You with think with two months to do this I would be quicker - hahahaha. 

I managed to get fully sculpted and start on a base. 

And I managed to complete all the sculpting for the challenge!!

I will eventually paint it and finish the base, but I am just so happy I completed this model today! 

Monday, November 13, 2023

The Little Rider Doll Making Challenge March 2023 - Oops took me a while!


Submitted my entry on 2/10/23. I am doing a Tough Enough to Wear Pink Roping rider for my stablemate models! 

I plan on sanding him, painting him, and fixing his rope so that is works for what I need. 

I have made a little bit of progress on him. Fitting him to the saddle, cutting off his feet to remake them for a better fit and getting the basic wiring on. 

I stalled out on working on him to finish a model cow - I got all up in my head that I couldn't fix him correctly. 

I managed to get his boots sculpted and not to primer and paint. And the putty I had was old or not mixed properly and never dried. So I had to start over again! 

I found another SM doll that had boots to fit, but alas it's now April 1 and I did not get him completed for the challenge. I am going to try to finish him soon. I want to add him to this before I close it out = see how long it takes me to complete him. Maybe by the 2024 event! Haha


I am still working on him in September and October. I am hoping to have him done in November. I find that I work on other things because I know he's now close to being done!

And Finally - November 11, 2023 I was able to get him done! hahahaha

It took me a while to get him done, but I am pleased how he turned out.