Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 2024 - What is this craziness?

July ended with the Alexander Mountain Fire starting up. 

It can be followed on PulsePoint App, Watch Duty App, and on the Alexander Mountain Fire on Facebook

Taken by the Estes Park Police Department

August 1, Estes Park still wasn't getting smoke, but on August 2, the winds shifted and the smell of smoke and the haze made it's way to Estes Park. I have to admit, the smell of a campfire or smoke is a PTSD trigger and not something good anymore. 

August 8, 2024 the amazing team working the Alexander Mountain Fire posted a final briefing - Acres: 9,668 Start Date: 07/29/24 Location: Larimer County, Colorado Personnel: 294  Containment: 91%

I am so grateful for all the personnel that worked this fire. Thank you for your service. 

August 8 also would have been Gabby The Tabby's 24th Birthday. I miss that little orange pumpkin.

August 9 would have been Kenny's 78th birthday. I miss you old man. 

August 14-16 I made a trip to Kansas to work through some things with my mom's estate. It was a long hot trip on the 14th, hot while I was getting things taken care of on the 15th, and long hot drive while I was driving back on the 16th. 90+ degrees and humidity that's 80% or more is just to hot for me anymore. I don't know how Midwesterners stand it.   

I did get a lot of things worked out so that was good. Still a lot to do and a lot of waiting as well. 

On August 21, I actually finished some model horses! It's been a while, and I was pretty rusty, but they turned out nice. 

On August 24, I resigned from the Estes Park Police Auxiliary. It's been a heck of a ride in seven years, but I am working on a different path while also still dealing with mom's passing and my own health stuff. 😢 

And August 31, was the 19th Annual John Denver Tribute by Cowboy Brad and the TropiCowboy band. 

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